Report History

Report History is a very simple and helpful feature that automatically tracks all of your reports that you have run and stores them in one handy place on the Avantalytics website. From this page, you can re-run, schedule and favorite reports. You can also check the report parameters for any report without rerunning the report!

To access Avantalytics' Report History feature:

Navigate to Reporting > Report History (click all images to expand):

In addition to the report name, you can also see:

  • The report number and the corresponding report ID #

  • When it was last run

  • How often a report has been run, and how many lines are on the report.

  • Any notes made on the report

  • Quick clipboard copy of web query URL

Functions available in this report:

  • Rename the report to make it more memorable

  • Add notes to a report after the report has been generated

  • Rerun the report

  • See the report parameters without rerunning the report

  • Schedule a report for delivery in email

  • Set as Favorite so that you can see it in a panel view

  • Activate a Web Query for an existing report

  • Get access to the Excel or Web URL of an existing web query

You can also sort the data in this report by clicking on the column headers. (The far-right column does not sort.)
The Report ID column is sorted by the Report ID number (6-digit) and not the report number.