Frequently Requested Features Now Available in Order Template Results!

Many customers have asked that we add category inventory to the order generation tool to allow them to better manage store-level inventories. We are excited to announce that we have added this feature along with 2 additional features showing warehouse inventory information!

The new Category OH column shows the current category inventory in a location. This shows you have much inventory of each product category is on hand in this location, so you can adjust your orders to keep the proper amount of category inventory in that location.

We have also added 2 new columns to the Order Template:

Warehouse On Hand (WH)

Warehouse Comments 

The WH OH column shows the remaining inventory inline in the order results. It updates as users add or subtract order units. As the WH amount gets near zero, the field will turn yellow, and then red when all the inventory is consumed. Now you can always see exactly how much inventory you have in the warehouse.

The WH Comments column allows inventory comments from production to be integrated and viewed along with the on hand quantities while ordering an item, to help with ordering. For customers who manage the warehouse inventory availability manually, it can be integrated with this standard upload in the website. For automated inventory availability feeds, it can be populated automatically.

You can add these new columns to your order templates by selecting them in the Order Preferences section of the Order Generation tool.