Use Store Exceptions to Manage Excess Inventory

Sometimes you need to limit the inventory that gets shipped to a store to prevent building inventory that is not needed, or allow product to sell down before reordering. In our order generation tool, we offer you a way to exclude items from orders for specific locations during a specific timeframe.

Setting up exclusions involves a simple upload. Create an Excel file with the following information:

Chain ID

Store #

Item #

Begin Date

End Date

Then simply copy and paste this information into the application.

You can also add comments to help manage these exceptions.

This feature is especially helpful in managing any Lowe’s AIM exceptions.

This feature is also useful if you find that specific items cannot be carried in certain locations due to USDA or other regulations.Setting these as exceptions will prevent accidentally ordering them.

If you need to check your current exceptions, you can run report # 129, and this will show you all the store/item combinations that are currently set as exceptions.