Saving Web Reporting Filters, Sorts, & Columns

Published 4/20/2020 – We're excited to announce that web reporting now enables you to save the state of the output between report runs.  As most users are aware, parameters chosen for the report prior to running are saved to allow you to quickly re-run the report. However you would need to re-sort or filter results each time you re-run the report.

No longer! 

Now you can:

  • customize the column order and visibility (to hide columns you may not care about)
  • sort on a particular column, filter on any number of columns (right click on the column header) in combination, then just press the "Save Columns" button.  

If you refresh a report, all the prior filters and sorting should be re-applied automatically! 

What's even better is this works for Webquery reports so you can share reports with pre-filtered data quickly and easily. 

Want to change the settings later? Simply re-sort or filter to the new configuration and click the "Save Columns" button again. 

We hope this helps you better share data and save time with your teams and others!