Automated Ordering - Suggested Order Report (122) Now Available

Published 1/13/19 — For our customers utilizing or automated ordering engine we're happy to announce the initial release of report 122 - which is a report output mirroring the results of you running a particular ordering template.  The benefit of this report is that it allows you better access to the computer generated results.  While the user interface for altering automated orders is flexible, sometimes you may just want to see what the computer deemed necessary.  The nice part is the options are simple - just pick one of your saved templates and hit run.  You can share the report results easily with folks on your team or even your customer with a simple web URL.  Lastly, for some folks who have DIY ordering techniques, embedding this report into Excel can make it refreshable and with a few vlookups you can quickly use it to guide your orders as you "roll your own" orders.

Suggested Order Details Report (122)