Track Your Lowe's Shipments With Report 143

If you ship products to Lowe’s stores, you know how frustrating it is to learn that the orders you’ve shipped have not been received at the store. Chasing down these missing or delayed shipments can be time-consuming and can cause lost sales. We’ve developed a report (#143) that shows you exactly what products have been received by PO, as well as when these were received at each location.

In addition to store information, this report also includes:

  • Lowe’s PO#

  • # of Items on the PO

  • Ship Date

  • Ship Day (day of the week)

  • Received date (based on first receipt)

  • Days delayed

  • Received Qty

  • Fill rate

This information provides clear visibility to products that were shipped but have not yet been received at a location.  The report also allows the user to drill into individual Lowe’s PO’s to capture line details and on-hand inventories impacted at the store level.