Where's the Item I Want to Order?

As you start receiving new MP files from Lowe’s and 531 reports from Home Depot, with new items being activated, it can be a lot to keep up with. Luckily, we have an “Easy” button that can highlight item setup data you may have missed before you get deep into writing an order and ask yourself, “Where is the item I want to order?”

A helpful feature of the order generation tool is the ability to check for maintenance errors before you start ordering. Look for the “Check for Errors” button on the bottom of the main order template screen. 

If you click this button, the system will automatically check for any errors that would prevent you from being able to order an item. You will then have the opportunity to fix these errors prior to ordering.The errors will always fall into one of the situations below and we’re happy to help you straighten them out:

  • Is the item set up in Report 21? Only items set up here will appear in the Order Generation Tool (and in your reporting).

  • Is the item listed and active in Report 53 - Market Availability? If not, you will need to submit a new MP/531 file that lists the item with the correct ordering status.

  • Is the item set up in the pack type you are attempting to order - Report 107? If not, you will need to add the item to the pack type used for ordering.

  • Is the item available in the warehouse that you are ordering from - Report 141? If not, you will need to add the item to the available inventory at the warehouse.

  • Is the item set up on an active store exception (meaning that at some point you did not want to order it) - Report 129. If it is, you will need to remove the exception for the item.

We recommend that you check for errors every time you start an order. Nothing is more frustrating than spending time on an order only to discover that there are items you cannot order due to maintenance issues.

If you have questions about this feature, or want to see a demonstration of how it can help you, you can send an email to Support@avantalytics.com, and we'll be happy to help you!