Sales By Custom Region / By Week (103)


This report provides year-over-year sales comparisons for one or more selected custom regions and provides totals not just by the custom region you select, but also displays the total by week.  This report is similar to its sibling report Sales By Custom Region (59), which can provide a more high level roll-up view of the same data.  Like this report - custom region totals are great for comparing custom groups of stores for differences in performance. Be it a sales person, regions or demographic sub-sectors you wish to compare, this report is helpful in those endeavors.

Default Columns In This Report

  • Region
  • Week Ending
  • Retail $ CY
  • Retail $ PY
  • Sales %
  • Units  CY
  • Units PY
  • Unit %

Column Definitions

Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.

Report Columns / Terms Glossary