Multi-Retailer Combined Sales By Cross Retailer Item (60)


This summary report rolls data up for every retailer to provide a total view of sales by item for category types of your choosing. This does not break out sales by each retailer. The category chosen will be used across all the retailers for the basis of inclusion in the report. This does not, therefore, account only for like items sold at two or more retailers.

Table of Contents

Default Columns In This Report

  • Retailer Category
  • Item#
  • Description
  • Units CY
  • Sales CY
  • Units PY
  • Sales PY
  • Unit Growth %
  • Sales Growth %

Column Definitions

Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.

Report Columns / Terms Glossary