Gear Option Glossary

Gear Option Glossary

Search Gear Option Glossary

Each of the terms below, organized alphabetically, describes a metric option which can be found in the setting gear of our Insight Panels. Click one of the below links to jump to a letter in the alphabet. When on a metric option, clicking on the ">" icon next to any of the terms displays an expanded description and helpful photos.  Each metric option also comes with a convenient listing of each Insight Panel in which the metric is featured. 

# Markets

 Allows you to limit the number of market results returned within the insight panel.

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This option in the gear settings allows you to limit the number of results returned within the insight panel. For many retailers, there may be many markets/patches or other region types which can produce an insight panel with potentially hundreds of rows. By limiting to the top 10 or even 25, you can reduce the space consumed while usually retaining much of the detail you desire.

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# of Regions

Allows you to limit the number of region results returned within the insight panel.

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This option in the gear settings allows you to limit the number of results returned within the insight panel. For many retailers, there may be many regions available to view which can produce an insight panel with potentially hundreds of rows. By limiting to the top 10 or even 25, you can reduce the space consumed while usually retaining much of the detail you desire.

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# of Results

Allows you to limit the number of results returned within the insight panel

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This option in the gear settings allows you to limit the number of results returned within the insight panel. Depending on your data, there may be many results returned which can produce an insight panel with potentially hundreds of rows. By limiting to the top 10 or even 25, you can reduce the space consumed while usually retaining much of the detail you desire.

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# of Visits

Allows you to limit the number of store visits returned within the insight panel.

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This option in the gear settings allows you to limit the number of store visits returned within the insight panel. In the store insight panel, for example, if you have many users creating store visits - the panel can produce potentially hundreds of rows of data. By limiting to the top 10 or even 25, you can reduce the space consumed while usually retaining much of the detail you desire about the most recent store visits.

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% Chance Precipitation

The default value is set at 50%. Should you have a need for a more or less stringent value for determining precipitation you can adjust this value to your preference.

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This option applies to weather insight panels and controls whether a region on the map is considered "rainy" or not based on the underlying data values for percent chance of precipitation. Due to the nature of the weather forecast data, most values with a % of precipitation greater than 50-60% indicate that it is more likely than not to rain. The default value is therefore set at 50%. Should you have a need for a more stringent value for determining precipitation you can adjust this value to your preference.

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Avg Type

Allows you to customize whether you want to view the average hi temperature or low temperature when viewing the temperature values.

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The average type setting allows you to customize whether you want to view the average hi temperature or low temperature when viewing the temperature values.

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Business Type

You can elect to have Avantalytics segregate your business from your competitors regionally. If this is the case, the value of "Active/Primary Business" will represent just your business, while "All Sales" will widen the net to return sales on the item regardless of the supplier.

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The business type is option is specific to certain retailers (Home Depot mostly) and suppliers where the supplier provides an item which is generic and could have many competitors supplying the same item regionally across the country. A good example is a lumber fir 2X4X8 stick. If you receive data from the retailer, its possible you receive data for your sales as well as other suppliers due to a situation known a "shared SKU". In this instance, you can elect to have Avantalytics segregate your business from your competitors regionally. If this is the case, the value of "Active/Primary Business" will represent just your business, while "All Sales" will widen the net to return sales on the item regardless of the supplier.

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Cache for Speed

Allows the data results of the panel to be cached when the underlying data does not change so that the insight panel will experience faster loading times on subsequent refreshes.

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This option should default to "Yes," and allows the data results of the panel to be cached when the underlying data does not change. As a result, the insight panel will experience faster loading times on subsequent refreshes.

Calendar Month

Determines which calendar month is shown in the insight panel results.

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This option, specific to the rain calendar, determines which calendar month is shown in the insight panel results. You can choose any calendar month in the last year to view results of rain vs. prior year by each day of the month.

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Allows you to limit results based on items matching one of 12 custom categories you are allowed to set up with Avantalytics in this option. Click here (link) to learn more about how to set up custom categories.

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In Avantalytics, you can store up to 12 standard attributes / grouping types for each of your items. When you do this, the values used will be reported here for a given retailer and category type (one of the 12). The option allows you to limit results based on items matching the particular category or categories you choose in this option. To select more than one value, hold down the "ctrl" or "shift" key while selecting values. This option is often seen along with the "Category Type" option to allow you to change between the 12 types and select one or more of the values to limit items returned in the insight panel.

Category Type

Allows you to change the category values to select subsets of items based on any of the custom category types you set up with Avantalytics. Click here (link) to learn more about how to set up custom categories.

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The category type options utilizes the 12 possible category values for each item you set up in Avantalytics. This option allows you to change the category values to select subsets of items based on any of the category types. When you change the value here, the "Category" values typically seen directly below this option will update to reflect the choice so you can limit results appropriately.


Allows you to limit the results of the insight panel to data specific to a given client you maintain and serve using the system.

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This option is primarily utilized in the merchandising module and allows you to limit the results of the insight panel to data specific to a given client you maintain and serve using the system.

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Competing Retailers

Allows you to limit the competitors evaluated in the results.

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This option is used primarily within the competitive monitoring service and allows you to limit the competitors evaluated in the results.

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Pricing Over Under

Brand Pricing Over / Under


Allows you to limit results to a specific country.

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This option is optional, and it allows you to limit results to a specific country. For many suppliers who sell domestically within the United States, it is never necessary to limit on this as the entirety of your sales data comes from the United States, so "Any Country" is effectively the United States.

Custom Item Group

Allows you to limit the results in the insight panel to a custom group of items of your determination. Click here (link) to learn more about how to set up custom item groups.

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This option allows you to limit the results in the insight panel to a custom group of items of your determination. You and your team members can create an manage custom groups of items to allow more granular analysis for monitoring things such as new items, promotional items, and much more.

Custom Sales Region

Allows you to limit the stores evaluated by the insight panel to a custom group of stores which you or a team member previously created. Click here (link) to learn more about how to set up custom regions.

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This option allows you to limit the stores evaluated by the insight panel to a custom group of stores which you or a team member previously created. Custom regions allow you to group stores by any means you see fit.

Custom Sub-Title

Allows you to override the sub-title displayed in the insight panel to provide a more meaningfully descriptive result for your viewer.

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This option is purely cosmetic and provides you the ability to override the sub-title displayed in the insight panel to provide a more meaningfully descriptive result for your viewer.

Custom Title

Allows you to override the title displayed in the insight panel to provide a more meaningfully descriptive result for your viewer.

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This option is purely cosmetic and provides you the ability to override the title displayed in the insight panel to provide a more meaningfully descriptive result for your viewer.

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Mature Stores

Allows you to select whether to view all store sales or only mature stores.

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This option allows you to select whether to view all store sales or only mature stores. Mature stores is often referred to as "comp stores". There are two prevailing definitions of "comp stores" which you should be aware of. The first definition includes results for stores that were open for an entire year for every week during the time period requested. The second definition includes results for stores as soon as they become open for a year - in this case, a store's results may be included for some portion of the weeks during the period and not others, if the store become open for a year during the middle of the time period requested. The first definition is more stringent, the second definition is more commonly used.

Merchandising Region

Allows you to limit the stores returned within the insight panel to focus on particular regions.


This option allows you to limit the stores returned within the insight panel to focus on particular regions. You can select more than one by holding the "ctrl" or "shift" key while selecting several options.

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Allows you to select the applicable retailer's data that you wish to view.


This option allows you to select the applicable retailer's data that you wish to view. Your choice here will override your "Default/Primary" retailer for this given insight panel and will also cause a number of options below in the gear settings to update to reflect the specific values for that retailer; for example: category, time periods, custom regions and more.


Allows you to select one or more retailers to customize the results of the insight panel.


This option allows you to select one or more retailers to customize the results of the insight panel. You can select more than one by holding the "ctrl" or "shift" key while selecting several options.

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Sales Metric

Allows you to customize the returned results of the panel to a number of different sales metrics.

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The sales metric allows you to customize the returned results of the panel to a number of different sales metrics. Most common options include units, sales at cost or sales at retail value.

Sales/Inventory Metric

Allows you to customize the inventory value metric reported in the insight panel.

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This option allows you to customize the inventory value metric reported in the insight panel. Depending on the retailer, this may be most usefully displayed as either Cost Sales $ or Retail Sales $.

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Sell Thru Metric

With a focus on sell thru analysis, this option allows you to choose metrics which dictate what the underlying value the percentage reported is based on.

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This option generally applies to insight panels focusing on sell thru analysis. In this case, choosing the metric here dictates what underlying value the percentage reported is based on. Suppliers often wish to view cost as the metric, but in many cases you may wish to utilize units.

Show Growth %

Allows you to overlay information on top of time-based trend insight panels which displays the difference as a percentage between the current year and previous year data.


This option applies to time-based trend insight panels and allows you the option to display a third series indicating the difference as a percentage between the current year and previous year data to get a measure of growth of the underlying values.

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Sorting Metric

Provides a way to limit the results your insight panel displays based on certain available metrics within the panel.

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The sorting metric provides a way to limit the results your insight panel displays based on certain available metrics within the panel. Much like the "# of results" option, this allows you to prioritize important results before limiting the number returned. For example - you may be interested in regions or categories of items where you shipped the most inventory - choosing "Most Shipments" would provide you with those results prioritized by the largest amount of shipped product, which could then be limited using the "# of results" option to create an effective "Top 10 Shipments", for example.

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Limits results of data to stores present in a given United States state or Canadian province.

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This option is mainly used to limit results of data to stores present in a given United States state or Canadian province. It is mostly useful for multi-retailer insight panels where using a specific retailer geography is not useful across numerous retailers but a state can be a standardized region. In this way, it serves to limit geography in a common denomination across retailers.

Store Hierarchy

The store hierarchy option allows you to choose how you would like the results of the insight panel to be displayed by different geographic boundaries.

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The store hierarchy option allows you to choose how you would like the results of the insight panel to be displayed. Specifically, it allows you to switch between geographic hierarchies for the particular retailer you're interested in. Depending on the business need, you may want to look at a greater or lesser level or retailer detail in your analysis. This provides the option relating to the retailer's geography.

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Choosing a specific task will direct the insight panel to report specifically on the progress of the task chosen.

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This option relates to task-specific insight panels. Avantalytics has a task management module for your salesforce management and if you use this, you'll see a list of your created tasks populate in this option. Choosing a specific task will direct the insight panel to report specifically on the progress of the task chosen.

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Task Completion Map

Task Completion Percent

Time Period

Depending on the insight panel, this option can allow you select any of dozens of pre-made and rolling time periods such as "Month To Date" or "Week". Additionally, it may also provide pre-made and fixed time periods - such as "Calendar Year X".

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Time Period is probably the most ubiquitous option seen across insight panels. The nature of customer's data and the underlying business makes the time period involved central to most analyses. Depending on the insight panel, this option can allow you select any of dozens of pre-made and rolling time periods such as "Month To Date" or "Week". Additionally, it may also provide pre-made and fixed time periods - such as "Calendar Year X". Avantalytics maintains these time periods for each retailer to allow you to utilize them without the hassle of dealing with different begin and ending periods for each retailer.


Allows you to choose what time of day you wish to use for evaluating the percent of precipitation.

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The timing setting allows you to choose what time of day you wish to use for evaluating the percent of precipitation. Your choices can be either in the Morning / Mid-Day (prior to noon) or in the evening (after 6pm) or the value for the likelihood at anytime during the day. The default is anytime.

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Top X

Allows you to limit the number of results based on the greatest values for the metric you want to display in the insight.

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Top X allows you to limit the number of results based on the greatest values for the metric you want to display in the insight. For example - if you wish to see the top 5 markets with the most retail sales, you would choose a value of 5 in this and select Retail Sales $ in the sales metric as shown in the screen capture below.

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