Warehouse Inventory Scan-in Report (131)
Default Columns In This Report
Warehouse – The main warehouse location at the site.
Sub-Location – any number of sub-locations where inventory is to be counted. Allows for counting items by room/segment.
UPC – this is the barcode scanned by the mobile and the users conducting the inventory count.
Retailer Item – If the barcode matches a retailer item it will be displayed here
Customer Item – If the barcode matches a customer item, it will be displayed here.
Description – The item description if present and matched
Warehouse Units – The number of units in the warehouse sublocation overall
Available To Order – The number of units considered available to order at the present time. This is a subset of the Warehouse Units number.
Counted By – The user who performed the count. Multiple users can work on a single total count, so there may be more than one user in the results.
Counted At – The specific time this particular count was made.