Item / Market Availability Listing (53)


This report is a simple output of the current listing of available items by retailer / market for the purposes of maintaining proper current market availability. Use this report to check where your items are currently active, as well as the current cost and retail.

Table of Contents

Default Columns In This Report

  • Reference Chain
  • Category
  • Item/SKU#
  • Description
  • Market / Patch
  • Store #
  • Cost
  • Retail
  • Order Status – 0 | 1 - 0 if the item is not to be ordered in automated order generation.
  • Active Business - 0 | 1 - 0 if the item/market/store is not currently active for supply.
  • Presence Qty - If non-zero, this will serve as a floor for effective inventory when used in automated order generation
  • Max Qty  – This is the maximum number of units for this item that can be ordered, if non-zero
  • MSRP - optionally set a non-zero retail value to serve as an informational Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price.
  • Effective Date - This represents the cost/retail effective date based on the last change made.
  • Last Uploaded - This is the date/time of the last uploaded change to the given row.

Column Definitions

Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.

Report Columns / Terms Glossary