Meijer UPCs & Check Digits
When clients who service Meijer go to set up new items in Avantalytics they need to provide an item → UPC map in order to have the Meijer EDI data report correctly at the item level. However lookups for new items in Meijer VendorNet provide UPCs in 11-digit format while the EDI data reports data in the 12-digit (GTIN-12) format. Submissions with 11 digits therefore won't tie out to EDI results.
The solution resides in what is called a "check digit" in UPC GS1 parlance. There are lots of tools that can calculate check digits
- Open this website and enter your 11 digit UPC, it will provide you the 12th (check) digit.
- Use the 12 digit UPC for your item setup.
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If you run into this a lot you can create an Excel file with a formula for calculating the check digit by following the steps in the link below: