UPC Scanner Report (116)

UPC Scanner Report (116)


This report provides details for all bar code inventory adjustments made by a mobile device. Designed specifically to allow customers to scan barcodes which may be their client's items, and have a way to output and report the count adjustments to them.  We recommend using this report as as web query and providing clients with embedded web queries which they can use to update their inventory on a daily basis as necessary.

This report provides the UPC code scanned, the date it was scanned, the store location and retailer as well as the inventory count entered by your field personnel. You can separately provide UPC mappings to your clients as well as provide descriptions and item numbers to aid reporting and field use.

Table of Contents

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Default Columns In This Report

  • Account – This is the home account of the user scanning barcodes
  • Client - This is either the unique external client identifier or the Avantalytics partner number corresponding to the owner of the items scanned.
  • Retailer - The retail chain applicable in the scan.
  • Store# - The location the scan occurred.
  • UPC(12) - The twelve digit UPC scanned by the barcode scanner.
  • Description - The item description where available.
  • Retailer Item - The retailer item number where available.
  • Date Recorded - The date the scan occurred.
  • Inventory On Hand - The number of units on hand.
  • User - the user who performed the scan
  • Image - If an image of the item being scanned was uploaded its shown as a thumbnail here.

Column Definitions

Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.

Report Columns / Terms Glossary