UPC Scanner Report (116)
UPC Scanner Report (116)
Default Columns In This Report
- Account – This is the home account of the user scanning barcodes
- Client - This is either the unique external client identifier or the Avantalytics partner number corresponding to the owner of the items scanned.
- Retailer - The retail chain applicable in the scan.
- Store# - The location the scan occurred.
- UPC(12) - The twelve digit UPC scanned by the barcode scanner.
- Description - The item description where available.
- Retailer Item - The retailer item number where available.
- Date Recorded - The date the scan occurred.
- Inventory On Hand - The number of units on hand.
- User - the user who performed the scan
- Image - If an image of the item being scanned was uploaded its shown as a thumbnail here.
Column Definitions
Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.
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