Mobile Inventory

The mobile inventory screen allows you to see your items, any items of partners, as well as the live inventory on hand.  If your products are "pay-by-scan" items - your merchandisers can tap on the items and adjust inventory and have it automatically updated in Avantalytics for ordering or transmitted to your partner of choice.  Your field people can upload photos associated with changes in inventory and you can set up and require custom reason codes for the inventory adjustments.  All the information is available via reporting on the Avantalytics SaaS.

Native App Inventory Screen

You can either search for the items or scroll through the list to find the item you want, but perhaps the best way is to use the barcode scanner. The "Scan" button on the bottom right will allow you to scan the UPC bar code of the product go directly to its information. This saves a tremendous amount of time and eliminates errors at the same time.