Store Tasks

Store Tasks

You must be localized to a store to view the tasks of your company or partners tasks


Store tasks can be seen below left as "cards", which you can scroll through. If the assigner has entered any pictures for the task, you will see that as well as the start/due date of the task. To view the task details and answer questions, upload photos and ultimately mark the task complete, click on the task. You'll see the screenshot below right or similar. First is any comments about the task to describe what is to be done. Below the comments are any questions that the task assigner has added to the task. Questions are a great way to get organized information back from the field in a way that is easy to review and digest without any paperwork man hours. To answer a task - click on the gray question - and you'll be provided with possible answers or input areas for the required data. Answer the question and it will return you to the prior screen to answer further questions and ultimately complete the task.

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