Inventory Sell Thru % By Vendor / Store / Item (80)


This report provides store level sell thru details by item to determine store-specific issues with sales and inventory.

Table of Contents

Default Columns In This Report

  • Vendor
  • As of Date
  • Store#
  • City/State
  • Market
  • Item#
  • Description
  • Category
  • On-Order Units
  • Ship-in Units
  • Ship-in Retail
  • Sell-thru Units
  • Sell-thru Retail
  • Units Remain
  • Retail $ Remain
  • Sell-thru %

Column Definitions

Many of the column names are common between reports. We also use abbreviations to save space. To learn about the meaning of a specific column click on the link below for the glossary of column terms.

Report Columns / Terms Glossary