Getting Ready for the Season - Key Reports

The new selling season is coming soon, so now is the time to make sure your items are properly set up and ready to go.

Here are 2 key reports that will help you make sure you are prepared. You can find these reports under the Report Library link under the Reporting tab.

Report 21 - Items listing

This report shows all the items that you currently have set up in our system. This report is especially helpful for checking that new items are correctly set up in our system.

If you find that items are missing, you need to request an updated item file from the retailer showing where the item will be shipped/sold, and send us an updated item setup sheet with the new items so we can add them to our system.

You should also add these items to your warehouse inventory; you can do a partial update if you are only adding a few items to your existing data.

Report 58 - POS Items Not Set Up

This report will show you items where we are receiving POS data via EDI, but where the item is not currently set up in our system. It's important to correct these quickly so that your POS reporting is accurate. 

If you find that items are missing, you need to request an updated item file from the retailer showing where the item will be shipped/sold, and send us an updated item setup sheet with the new items so we can add them to our system.

You should also add these items to your warehouse inventory; you can do a partial update if you are only adding a few items to your existing data.

Once you complete these steps, the item(s) will also appear on your Report 21 - Item Listing.