Time and Mileage Management

As part of this premium service feature you can track and record employee time and mileage throughout the day as they work in the field.


This section details how to view information from the back-office that management may need to perform for calculating hours, approving time sheets, investigating time and mileage and more.  To operate and view daily time sheets, as shown in the screenshot below, you need to click on the "Manage Your Team" menu item on the left.  Once that opens, you should see one of several options titled "Manage Time & Mileage" - click this to see a visual similar to below.

Table of Contents

The table in the main area displays all the daily time card and mileage listings based on a default search criteria.  Each time card should be finalized by the employee daily (or at the start of the next day) and approved by a manager.  The employee performs finalization on his/her smartphone app and managers can review the time and either approve or override both the time and mileage. 

Sorting / Filtering Time Cards

If you wish to filter the results, you can click on the "Sort / Filter Time" button on the blue toolbar.  A search box like below will appear.  You can then select/filter time cards by pre-defined user groups, selecting users, and choosing a time period. Select what you wish and hit the filter button. 

Default Sorting:

If you'd like to make this filter a default filter notice the option in the blue toolbar

Further Filtering

You can then filter any person or date by right clicking on their name.  A popup context menu will allow you to filter/unfilter to the person or the date chosen:

Approving Time Cards

Approving is simple - simply click the blue "Approve" button on the far right of the table.  If the manager wishes to override either the time or mileage - they should click on the link corresponding to the time value or mileage value in the table.  A pop-up will appear allowing an arbitrary overridden value to be entered and a reason to explain for historical / audit purposes. 

Once this is done, the original recorded amounts are retained, but the override values are used for the reporting totals.

In addition to approving time, the manager can also see the details of the time card by clicking on the employee name on the left for the day of interest.  The details will be displayed below the day entry including the location trip data at the bottom.  In most cases this is enough information for normal managers to review.  A screenshot is shown below:

Time Card / User Detail & Diagnostics

However in certain cases, you may wish to obtain even more data about the user's behavior during the day.  To do so right click on the employee name - a context menu will appear with the option to view "Diagnostics" and will look as shown below.  This gives you detailed information on the data we captured as well the type of action the the user initiated.  This is often useful when resolving questions on user behavior.  You will see the high-accuracy GPS coordinates - each one can be clicked to view exactly where they were in Google Maps.