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Each of the terms below, organized alphabetically, is a column title which can be found in any number of reports you can run. Click one of the below links to jump to a letter in the alphabet. When on a column title description, clicking on the ">" icon next to any of the terms displays a more in-depth description.  Each column title also comes with a convenient listing of each report in which the metric is featured. 

# Not Stocked

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# of Days

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# of Reviews

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# of Stores

This is a catch all column which should be broadly understood to represent the number o stores contributing to the sales or inventory metric being shown in the same row of data. For example - in the Item Distribution report, this refers to the recent average stores stocking the item or items reported.

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# of Weeks

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# Stocked

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# Visits

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% Chg

A catch-all term referring to the adjacent column percentage of change between the current and previous time period. Most often this refers to the growth of sales or inventory in a year-over-year perspective.

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% In Store

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% Stocked

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1 Star

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2 Stars

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3 Stars

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4 Stars

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5 Stars

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Account ID

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Account Locked (Y/N)

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Active Business
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Adjusted OH

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Ann. Turns CY - Annual Turns Current Year
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Ann. Turns PY - Annual Turns Previous Year
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ASP – Average Selling/Sales Price

ASP is an abbreviation for Average Selling Price of Average Sales Price. In the context of reporting, it provides the user with the average retail sale price of the item during the time chosen and region chosen based on the options in the report requested.

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ASP $ – Average Selling/Sales Price $

See ASP, synonym.

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Average Sales per Store

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Avg. Drive Distance
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Avg Hrs / Day - Average Hours per Day

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Avg Hrs / Visit - Average Hours per Visit

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Avg. Inv. Cost – Average Inventory Cost

This is a composite metric representing the average inventory units multiplied by the unit cost of the goods to the retailer. Most retailers use this to evaluate their inventory investment commitment. Home Depot values their inventory at retail price however, so be cautioned. In many cases you'll have the opportunity to select cost value or retail value as a result.

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Avg. Inventory - Average Inventory

Avg Inventory refers to the average of reported values for the item or items in the given period. This is often used as a component for Turns and GMROI and is a good measure for overall inventory spend commitment. It can also mask large swings in inventory such as out-of-stocks and so should not be utilized to interpret stocking levels or investigate out-of-stock issues.

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Avg. Inventory Retail $ – Average Inventory Retail $

Very similar to the above inventory cost - but this is the retail price multiplied by the average reported inventory during the year. Mostly applicable for Home Depot to match how they value inventory, this can be useful nonetheless for other retailers for trend analysis and evaluation.

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Avg. Inventory Units - Average Inventory Units

Synonymous with Average Inventory, this explicitly refers to the average unit total of a given item or items on hand over the time period chosen.

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Avg. Price – Average Price

Average Price refers to the average retail price sold to the customer during the time period chosen in the region chosen for the given item. This is often not the list price as certain stores may apply limited discounts which will have the affect of slightly lowering this below list price.

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Avg. Rating

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Avg. Retail

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Avg. Store Sales - Average Store Sales

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Avg. Store Sales $

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Avg. Store Units

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Avg. Wkly Sales $

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Avg. Wks. Selling

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Avg. Wks. to Sell

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Avg. Work Day Hrs.

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AV Item ID

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Base Item #

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Base Retail $

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This refers to the count of cart bases recorded by the user when performing and inventory. Bases are a component of the entire CC Cart.

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Calendar Period

Calendar period refers to the name of the calendar period. In a 4-4-5 or 4-5-4 calendar quarters are divided up into three month periods which in turn are divided up into weeks corresponding to the number of weeks in the naming 4-4-5 or 4-5-4. For example, in Q1 of a given year, the first part of the 4-4-5 is January, which is allotted 4 weeks. February is as well, and March is allotted a 5th. In this scenario, January, February, March are the calendar periods, even though each only refers to the requisite number of weeks in the year.

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Child Item #

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City refers to the city of the retail location being reported on in the report.

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City, State

City, State is a composite of the retail location city and state being reported in the report. Tip - this can often be separated in Excel by using Text to Columns and the comma as a delimiter.

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This column is a composite which refers to the city, state, and zip code of the reported retail location. Tip - Excel can help you separate these values through use of "Text To Columns" and the comma separator.

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Client ID

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Client Name

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Collected By

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Competing Retailer $

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Competitor Description

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Competitor Item #

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Complete (Y/N)

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Completion %

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Concluded (Y/N)?

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Cost $ Remain
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Cost CY – Cost Current Year

This refers to the cost value reported during the current year time period of the report. It's counterpart PY or LY refer to the same for the period in the prior year comparable timeframe.

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Cost Growth %

This column provides the year-on-year growth of the value of sales or inventory valued at the cost sold to the retailer.

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Cost Inventory $ CY - Cost Inventory Dollars Current Year

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Cost Inventory $ PY - Cost Inventory Dollars Previous Year

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Cost Sales $

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Create Date

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Created By

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Cross Retailer Code

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Curr Cost – Current Cost

This represents the current unit cost of the item or items being reported as sold to the retailer.

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Curr Retail – Current Retail

This is the current retailer price to the consumer of the item or items being sold during the period.

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Customer ID

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Custom Region

This is the name of the custom region chosen in the given report. Custom regions are named and chosen by users and represent arbitrary groups of stores. They can be shared and edited and in certain reports where custom region analysis is being done, its possible if the same store is present in two custom regions in the report, that the contributing sales data will be present in the total for each custom region.

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CY – Current Year

CY is an abbreviation for Current Year. this is used interchangeably with TY which is an abbreviation for This Year. Both columns refer to the value reported during the current year time period of the report. Regardless of whether the time period is a day, week, month, or 102 weeks - this value always represents the total during the time period for the current year. It is found nearly always with the complementary column abbreviated either PY or LY representing Previous Year or Last Year or Prior Year respectively.

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CY Cost – Current Year Cost

This represents the current time period cost value of sales in the report.

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CY Cost $ – Current Year Cost $

See Current Year Cost, synonym.

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CY GMROI - Current Year Gross Margin Return on Investment

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CY Margin $ - Current Year Margin Dollars

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CY Retail $ – Current Year Retail $

This represents the current year retail value of sales in the given report.

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CY Units – Current Year Units

This represents the current year unit total sold in the given report.

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Data Points

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Date Counted

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Date Found

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Days Stable

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Default Retailer

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Default Role

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Description is a catch-all term that generally refers to the Item # it is accompanied with or other column to help elaborate on an otherwise terse numerical code.

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Distance (mi)

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Due Date

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Duration (Minutes)

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Email Address

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Estimated Completion Date

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Found Item #

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FWOS - Forward Weeks of Supply

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GMROI – Gross Margin Return on Investment

GMROI (Gross Margin Return on Inventory) is a composite metric used by retailers and investors to gauge an items productivity. It is commonly associated with the metric Turns and extends turns simply through the multiplication of the gross margin percent with the turn. The importance of the metrics in addition to turns is to allow the merchant to compare items which may have greater or lesser rates of sale and inventory turns equally once the margin dollars each brings at sale are included. In this evaluation and item may sell slowly, but have a high margin and outperform and item which sells and turns rapidly, but the retailer makes little or no margin in doing so.

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Growth %

Growth % is an abbreviation for the growth in the relevant metric between the current year period and the prior year period.

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Formula Info

Growth is calculated as follows [(Current Year Metric / Prior Year Metric Total) -1]*100. In instances where pior year metric is 0, the value of growth can either be 0% or 100% interchangeably to indicate the lack of comparison or the presence of new sales growth.

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Higher Avg. Sold/Store

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Higher Retail

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In-Store Hrs.

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Internal Item # - Internal Item Number
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Inventory %
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Inventory Alert

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Inventory Cost $

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Inventory CY - Inventory Current Year
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Inventory Date
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Inventory PY - Inventory Previous Year
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Inventory Retail $

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Inventory Units

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Item Description

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Item Details

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Item Name
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Item/SKU# – Item/Stock Keeping Unit #
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Last Loaded

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Last Updated
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Location Count
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Lower Avg. Sold/Store

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Lower Retail

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Low vs Hi Retail $ Growth $

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Low vs Hi Unit Growth %

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Margin %
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Market ASW

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Max Cost $ Loss

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Max Drive Distance
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Max Order Qty / PO

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Max Price

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Max Retail
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Max Retail Loss

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MC% - Margin Contribution Percent

MC% is an abbreviation for Margin Contribution Percent. This value details how much profit is made selling the item or items being represented. This is nearly always representing the profit from the retailers perspective.

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Formula Info

MC% is calculated by the following formula [(Retail Price - Cost Price) / (Retail Price)]*100

Median Drive Distance
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Merchandising Hrs - Merchandising Hours
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Merch ID# - Merchandiser Identification Number

Min Cost $ Loss

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Minimum Order / Pack Qty.

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Min Price

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Min. Retail
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Min Retail Loss

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Mobile Description

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New Market Count

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Number of Stores

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On Behalf Of

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On Hand
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On Hand Cost
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On Hand Retail
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On Order
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On Order Units
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Order # - Order Number
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Order Status
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Order Type

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Pack Type

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Packs Qty in Super Pack

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Presence Qty - Presence Quantity
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Previous OH

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Price Range

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Prior 4wk AWS
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Promo AWS
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Promo Period
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Promo Price
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PY Cost – Previous Year Cost
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PY Cost $ – Previous Year Cost $
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

PY Margin $ - Previous Year Margin Dollars

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

PY Retail $ – Previous Year Retail $
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PY Units – Previous Year Units
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Recommended %

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Reference Chain

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Reg. Price
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Rep Name

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Retail $
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Retail $ CY – Retail $ Calendar Year
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Retail $ Growth %
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail $ PY – Retail $ Previous Year
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail $ Remain
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail Cost
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail CY - Retail Calendar Year
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Retailer $
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Retailer Cost
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retailer MC % – Retailer Margin Contribution %
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Retail Growth %
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail Sales
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Retail Sales $

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Revenue (000s)/Labor Hr
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Sales Current as Of

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Sales Growth % - Sales Growth Percentage

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Sales Revenue
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Sell-Thru %
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Sell-Thru Cost
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Sell-Thru Cost $
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Sell-Thru Retail
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Sell-Thru Retail $
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Sell-Thru Units
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Ship Date
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Ship-In Cost
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Ship-In Cost $
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Ship-In Retail
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Ship-In Retail $
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Ship-In Units
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Shipment Cost
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Shipped Units
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Ship Week
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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SKU# - Stock Keeping Unit #
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!


  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Stores Stocked

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Super Pack Qty

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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Supplier Item#

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Task Image?

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Task Title

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!


  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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Time Ended

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Time Period Name

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Time Started

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Total Crow Flies Mileage

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Total Est. Drive Mileage

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Total Hrs. - Total Hours

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Total Sales

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Total Visits

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Total Work Day Hrs.

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

Turns %
  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

TWOS - Trailing Weeks of Supply

  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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Unit Sell-Thru %
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Units Remain
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Units Shipped
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Units Sold
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

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Visit ID

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Webquery Capable

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Week Ending
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Work Day Hrs.

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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

WOS % - Weeks of Sale Percentage
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

WOS CY - Weeks of Supply Current Year
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!

WOS PY - Weeks of Supply Previous Year
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  • This is an upcoming feature. Stay tuned!
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