This report allows you to choose several time periods to view year-over-year sales along with current inventory comparisons, shipments and on order data in a single report for different levels of location detail. This report is very useful as a web query as it can provide the equivalent data of multiple reports in a single request. This report allows drill-down capability to store item-level details.
Note: The time ranges in this report relate to the sales data; the inventory data is always based on the latest available time period.
Calculating WOS
We did not include a WOS calculation to this report since most users will want to set this up for themselves based on their business need. In addition, since this report allows you to look at different time ranges within the same report, you can calculate WOS on more than 1 metric.
The best way to calculate WOS is to create the report you want and then convert it to a web query. You can then add a WOS calculation to this report and then every time you update the web query, the WOS calculation will also update.
The most common way of calculation WOS is using last week's sales divided by current inventory. We also recommend using a forward-looking calculation by using the Next 2 Weeks LY as your time frame. This way you are calculating what the WOS will look like based on future sales instead of past sales.
Last Ship Date AddedÂ
Another new feature added to this report is the Last Ship date. This allows you to see when the last order was sent to a location. When you add this to your report, it will appear as the last column on the right.
To add this metric, you will need to choose the Last Ship Date option in the Extra Output Metrics on the page where you choose the options for this report. This option is in the lower right-hand section of this page.
Also, make sure to add the Store metric to this report, so that you can see the specific last ship date for each store.
This metric can be helpful is checking for items that are not actually present in a store. For example, if a store shows and on hand quantity, no sales, and the last PO was 2 weeks in the past, the store may actually not have the quantity shown on hand. In this case, it is probably worth doing a cycle count of the item at that location.