Category Monitoring FAQ

In a very complex service there are bound to be questions which come up regarding a number of facets of category and competition monitoring.  We'll try to keep this up to date as best as possible and answer your most frequent questions below.

Question -  Why is one of my most popular items not showing as being seen in the category?

Answer 1: Certain retailers attempt to consolidate items with multiple color or finish variations by using swatches on their category pages. If your item has multiple possible finishes, it could be that the particular item / finish was hidden as a swatch option while another finish was shown. This is natural and in most cases, it will be shown in random fashion.

Question - I don't see certain of my items listed, am I missing something?

Answer 1: Its possible we've not been notified to "shop" the proper category for a given retailer.  If you do not see the item - please send a support ticket with the retailer URL of the product category page where the item is most commonly listed along with the item number so we can add this to the monitored pages.