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Why do my insight panel widgets sometimes fail to display after a minute or so?

The widgets are designed to operate independently. This means that you can have many insight panels in one view, and you don't have to wait for all of the panels to load in order to see data in any of the panels. In order to do this, we set a 60-second timeout for each request to ensure that long-running widget initializations don't freeze your computer or cause you to wait an inordinately long time. The request continues on our end to completion and the panel is cached to speed up future requests. So rest assured, if you refresh in several minutes, the issue will not recur.

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Why can't I dismiss certain notifications?

We prevent you from being able to dismiss a small amount of notifications, as they are important system notices. They will expire after a predetermined time, at which point you will no longer see them.

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Why do I get CUPID results that don't seem to have anything to do with my products?

When you make associations, CUPID uses those to create others based on these entries. As CUPID searches through categories similar to these items, it is just as important to know for sure that certain items DO NOT have anything in common to help it limit other items from being considered. In short - it's often just as important to know which items aren't similar as it is to know which ones are similar.

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When I click on certain reports, it says they are not purchased or authorized. How can I get these?

It is possible that your company has purchased the report, but your specific user ID has not yet been granted access. If this is the case, simply get in touch with the person who maintains your company's Avantalytics account and request access to the report.

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I'm in charge of multiple retailers' business. How can I switch between viewing specific retailers?

There is an option for this in the menu. There, you can find all of the retailers that you've been assigned to. Simply choose the one you wish to view to toggle between retailers. If you do not see this option, contact the employee who maintains your business' Avantalytics account to request access to other retailers.

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I requested a password reset, and the email reset email I received is from Is this a phishing email?

It's the real deal, we promise! Avantalytics uses Amazon Web Services Simple Email Service to send automated emails, as it has better success at getting through company spam filters than other services. So amazonenses is valid, however, if you did not request a password reset, someone may be requesting to do so inappropriately on your behalf. In this event, simply ignore the email you received, and your password will remain secure.

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Whenever I open an Excel report, I get a message that say the file has another extension and/or may be corrupt. What is this?

This is just a standard message from Excel that it uses to notify you that the version used to create the file is different than the format standard. It should have no impact on your ability to view the report and is completely harmless.

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HTML-formatted Avantalytics reports don't display correctly when I open them from my email. How do I fix this?

Most modern email client programs remove the scripting from documents for security purposes when the file is opened directly from the client. Try saving the document to your computer, then opening it from there instead.

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What web browsers does Avantalytics support?

We make every attempt to make our service cross-browser compatible. In general, the more standards-compliant the browser is, the better supported it is. Currently Google Chrome is the best supported.

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Is there an Excel pivot table-friendly report format?

Yes! Its called WebQuery. It provides the ability to use a report's results as though they were an ODBC data connection in Excel, allowing you to refresh the report frequently.

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When I view historical pricing for an item in a given market, why does it sometimes show multiple prices for a given week?

Good question! The reason this occurs is because retailers often initiate price changes during the week. As we monitor this, we record each price, and when it's shown to you, it displays multiple prices for the week reflecting this reality.

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I added a new production location, but I'm not seeing it on the map, is something wrong?

This happens if we are not able to geo-locate your location based on the zip code you provided. While this rarely occurs, when it does, it requires us to manually look up the GPS coordinates, which may take a few days. If in 2 business days it is still not showing, please contact our support staff.

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Why don't I see the "house/independent" option in the national comparison shopping report?

This is because "house/independent" does not correlate to any geographical location or availability by default, so we cannot cross-reference it to other retailers' markets. If you wish to view reports for these items, choose the "House Comparison Shop" report instead"

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I have one item that always returns completely erroneous matches when searching for new associations. What's happening?

Sometimes the item description matches extremely well to items having no similarity. The best thing to do is to enter a few associations explicitly first. Doing this causes those associations to be used in future searches as additional basis for similarity.

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Is there an optimal screen resolution for using the site?

The site is designed to be flexible from a minimum resolution requirement of 1024x768 and upward, which is the resolution for your typical iPad in landscape orientation. Most modern computers exceed this. If you are on a mobile device which has a lower resolution, then we suggest that you use our mobile app instead.

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When I run a gap/saturation report, it shows 0% overlap for one retailer vs. another. I know the other retailer carries the item, what is wrong here?

Remember, the system will track and report only based on associations you make between items. If you see this, the best thing to do is check the item in question to ensure that you've made a connection between the two items properly. If you do so, you should see proper overlap in your reports.

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When I look at a sales heat map, it shows certain states with 0% growth, but the sales overview panel says it's 100% growth, is something wrong?

No, nothing is wrong. This is happening because the 100% growth is representative of not having previous history - most likely because of greenfield sales expansion. On the map we change this to 0% to keep the coloring reasonable.

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Why do the results for a comp shop report shown from an insight panel differ than one from the reporting library for the same item?

This is most likely because the insight panel-derived reports are limited to only the most strict association types (UPC-identical/direct substitute), whereas you can choose many more levels in the reporting library interface.

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Whenever I click on a widget link in the mobile interface, nothing happens.

This is most likely due to your mobile browser pop-up settings. Due to the small screen size, we re-route normal behavior you're looking for to new browser windows. If your pop-up blocker is on, nothing will happen.

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I'm using the mobile interface, and it is running extremely slowly. Is this my phone or the site itself?

That's a hard question to answer without getting overly technical. While the site is being delivered to your phone correctly, if your smartphone is a couple of years old, it may have a single-core processor. Because of the high functionality in the site, it may operate slowly if other apps are also running on your phone. Most phones out in the last year have at least two cores, and you can probably rule your phone out as the culprit.

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I'm trying to localize in the mobility interface with my phone, and it keeps telling me it cannot localize. What is the problem?

Unfortunately, this is a (usually temporary) problem with your phone being unable to ascertain your location well enough or recently enough. For best results, try to localize outdoors or near a window. It can also happen if you have multiple location services enabled feeding differing results. Try limiting the location services in your phone options to one service at a time and see if that fixes the problem. Otherwise, try restarting your phone.

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How much data does the mobile interface consume?

It all depends on the amount of usage, but the application is optimized to minimize traffic and caches as much as possible. Compared to a typical website, data transmission is up to 90% less. On functions such as uploading photos, we utilize an image compression locally on your device before sending the image - so don't worry about your phone sending 4mb pictures!

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When I'm loading sales data, I get the following error: Bad Date Interval. How do I fix this?

If the date value you verified is correct, ensure that you have not included a comma as a thousand separator in one of the prior columns when pasting the data. If you have, the software will interpret this as a field separator and produce the error you're seeing.

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I'm a merchandiser. Once I have localized, how do I get to my client tasks?

You will need to click the allocate icon to apportion activity to the given client. Once you do this, you can see their tasks and complete them as necessary.

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I'm a merchandiser. Once I've completed all tasks for my clients, how do I de-allocate from the last client?

Simple. Click the leave store icon.

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Home Depot is closed on Christmas. I'm viewing sales for the day. Why is it showing sales for the previous year, when they were closed as well?

The day sales period matches the same day for the prior year. If Christmas is Thursday this year, it gets sales for Thursday from last year (which was probably the 26th). This is intentional, as the day period is designed to show Friday vs Friday or Saturday vs. Saturday, not the same date. If you want the same date comparison, pick an explicit time range for reporting.

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When I run a task details report filtering a single store, I'm receiving tasks details for other stores. What am I doing wrong?

The criteria for searching for tasks doesn't limit the store level data returned; it only limits eligible tasks. In your case, the task data from other stores is showing up because they are part of the overall task. To filter these out, use the filter option when the report data is returned

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Is there a how-to for the mobile interface?

Yes, follow the below link after logging in and authenticating yourself.

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My users are not seeing recurring tasks I've created.

The reason for this is because each task has a start date. When you make a regular task, its start date is the current date. Recurring tasks have start dates in proportion to the recurring interval you set - these start dates are what dictate visibility to regular users.

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When I run a WebQuery in Excel, I occasionally get an error saying "Cannot locate internet or proxy server."

This is the generic error for a connection loss in Excel. This happens occasionally and is usually harmless. Just click "OK," and try again.

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What is the purpose of the CSV report format?

Its a generic format best used for importing and exporting data. However, just like a WebQuery, you can use it in Excel as a data source.

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