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titleExamples of Avantalytics Views

One of the first things any user should learn in Avantalytics are views. Views are what some people might call “dashboards.”

"Why should I learn about views first?"

Creating views is a simple drag-and-drop process, and views allow you intuitive, visual access to dozens of reports and key metrics, all with a few clicks of your mouse. Most users can monitor and analyze their business without ever entering the reporting interface just by setting up a few customized views.

So, lets get started!

titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents

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Step 0 – No Views Created


When you first login, if you have no views created, you’ll be presented with the screen above (click on image to zoom). This screen appears as long as you have not created a default view and set it as the default screen upon login.

The default view has a few special features that makes it distinct from other views.  You cannot create any other views until you’ve created the default view. You also can't share the default view with other people, by design. Since the default view is the likeliest view you will change, and anyone with access to see your view can see the changes, this reduces the chance of unwanted data sharing.

titleDid you know?

If you want to learn more about how to share views, please visit our documentation page on the topic.

Step 1 – Create New View

To create a new view, go to the collection of icons in the upper-right hand side of the page and click on the "+" page icon. Text will appear when you hover over the icon, confirming that selecting this option allows you to create a new view.


A new window will pop up, allowing you to create your view. We've named our view "Avantalytics Example View" and we can see a couple of drop down menu items. The one that is selected by default is the "Create New" option, which allows you to create a view from scratch. We'll talk about the other options in a moment, so for now, just click "OK."


What you now see is a blank, default view, ready to be customized with insight panels. The blue dashed lines show you where you “drop” your panel. When you click and drag a panel and get close to a designated area, a "Drop Here" prompt will appear. Releasing the mouse when you see this will snap your panel to the grid and the panel will begin to load. You can practice this with the State Sales Heat Map, located under the Sales Insight section.

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titleEmpty Default View

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Once you've dragged your State Sales Heat Map to your view and allowed it to lock and load, you should get something that looks like the below image. Feel free to play around with adding different insight panels. If you want to get rid of any, each panel has an "X" located in the upper right hand corner. Clicking this will delete the panel.

Section Column
titleState Sales Heat Map Loaded onto Default View

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You can repeat this same drag-and-drop with another insight panel You can either click the "Click To Add Insights" text, located within the dashed blue lines, or you can click the "+" icon, to add a new insight panel to your view.


Image Added

Clicking the "+" brings up an accordion-style list of all of the categories of insight panels. Clicking on any of the names expands the accordion. We've clicked on "Sales Insights" and the list of individual insight panels comes up. Clicking on any panel name gives you a preview and a short description of the insight panel, making it quicker and easier to assemble your views with the exact types of views you want. Let's try adding the State Sales Heat Map now. We add the panel to the view by either double clicking "State Sales Heat Map" or by clicking the "Add Insight" button, located beneath the preview of the State Sales Heat Map.


Image Added

You can repeat this same process with other insight panels anywhere adjacent to the existing panel - in this instance to the right and below the State Sales Heat Map. There is a blue band on the top of every insight panel You can re-arrange and swap panels around once they’re on your view simply by clicking anywhere on that blue band and dragging them around.


Views don't automatically save. If you want to save a view so that it loads next time you log in, you must click the "Save View" located on the upper right hand corner of the view.


Now, anytime you login, the display you just created will automatically load with the latest sales figures. If you want to change the view, drag around, add and delete the panels you'd like, and press "Save View" again to commit the changes.

Once the default view is created, you can repeat this whole process to make as many more , custom named views as you like using the exact same process described here!

Step 2 – Deleting Views

This one is easy. Just click the "X" button on the top right corner of each insight panel on the view you wish to delete. When they’re all gone – click "Save View." This will delete the view!